A Conversation with JL8’s Yale Stewart

Posted: August 11, 2014 by Ian Gaudreau in Comicology - Comic Books, Independent Comics
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JL8 Image Created by Yale Stewart

JL8 Image Created by Yale Stewart

We have mentioned the ever-popular JL8 on a number of occasions here at Game&Comic, and at Boston Comic Con 2014, we had the fortunate opportunity of chatting with the man behind the web comic: Yale Stewart.

For those that may be unfamiliar, JL8 stars our favorite DC Comics characters from the Justice League, but this time, our heroes are a mere 8 years old. The webcomic is not centered around superpowers and instead focuses on the personalities and characteristics that arise from their daily interactions with each other. We see the characters go to school, Stewart has done a wonderful job capturing their unique personalities in his weekly JL8 comic strip and allows readers young and old to easily fall in love with it. You may be familiar with Yale’s work in the special Nova #10 special 100th anniversary comic, in which he did a two-page spread at the end of the issue in the cartoony style of JL8.

What was your inspiration for starting JL8?

To be honest, boredom. I started JL8 back in late June of 2011, but it was primarily created by boredom.

Were you always a DC guy? Or did you consider using Marvel characters instead of DC?

I have actually never been a DC guy, but when I started thinking about the idea, it seemed that the characters from DC fit the mold better than Marvel’ characters.

What has been your favorite part?

Honestly, the fan reaction. Parents tell me all the time that they read it with their kids. Lots of different age ranges really seem to like it and that has made the experience really special. I have also been really fortunate so far, I haven’t really experienced any difficulties with it.

Do you have a favorite character in JL8?

Not really, I mean there are times when they all feel like my favorites at one point or another. As the story changes and the focus shifts, they all end up being my favorite.

Finally, if you were in the JL8 universe, who do you think you would be friends with?

Hmmm, that’s a really interesting question. Probably Barry and Hal. They remind me a of the kids that I used to hang out with growing up.


JL8 can be read here.

Yale has also recently produced a number of children’s books starring adult DC characters, which can be viewed here.

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